


Watch the Red Ultimatum Trailer





The books of the Red Hotel Series, written by Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman, wind readers through international intrigue, conspiracy, complex global politics, economics and terror.

Gary Grossman is an author of thrillers and a producer. Ed Fuller is the former President of Marriott International Hotels and former Army Captain who served in Vietnam and Germany. Drawing from the real-world experience of the authors, their protagonist, Army intelligence officer Dan Reilly, now an international hotel executive with high level access to the CIA becomes immersed in terrorism that spans the globe. From bombings in Tokyo and Kiev to disruptions in Brussels, Red Hotel follows the fast-paced efforts of Reilly in the first book of the series. In the second book, Red Deception, Riley is called into action when acts of terrorism are enacted on U.S. soil, the events soon catapult onto the world stage. Never-ending thrills on every page along with lessons of international proportion. Book three, Red Chaos, finds Russia’s Gorshkov shoring up his lucrative energy trade with China, fueling expansionism plans for Ukraine and Latvia. Red Ultimatum, to be released in February 2025, will thrill as it takes readers through a high-stakes showdown: a former president on a downed plane, international unrest, and China’s ultimatum against Gorshkov force Dan Reilly into a decisive role to outmaneuver a global crisis.

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Red Ultimatum now available on Amazon and for a limited time only the Kindle and Audobook version is just $0.99. Order your copy today. #newbookrelease #thrillerbooks #bookclubreads #audiobook
Red Ultimatum now available on Amazon and for a limited time only the Kindle and Audobook version is just $0.99. Order your copy today. #newbookrelease #thrillerbooks #bookrelease #audiobooks
@garygrossman1  and I are thrilled with this fantastic review! 📖✨ Check out the article and see what they had to say!

Red Ultimatum is offered on Amazon at just $0.99 (Kindle & Audiobook) for a limited time only. Get your copy today.

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#BookLovers #thrillerbookseries #newrelease #audiobook
🔥 Limited-Time Deal! 🔥
The RED ULTIMATUM ebook, 4th in the RED HOTEL series, is just $0.99 on Amazon!
Offer ends April 7, 2025. #thrillerbooks #PoliticalThriller
🔥 Limited-Time Deal! 🔥
The RED ULTIMATUM ebook, 4th in the RED HOTEL series, is just $0.99 on Amazon!
Offer ends April 7, 2025. #newbookrelease #thrillerbooks
🔥 Limited-Time Deal! 🔥
For a short time, the ebook of RED ULTIMATUM, the latest installment in the RED HOTEL series, is just $0.99!
 Offer ends April 7, 2025—don’t miss out on this action-packed thriller.
➡️ Grab your copy now on Amazon!

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🔥 Limited-Time Deal! 🔥
The RED ULTIMATUM ebook, 4th in the RED HOTEL series, is just $0.99 on Amazon!
Offer ends April 7, 2025. #MarriottInternational #ebooksale
Red Ultimatum NOW on Amazon! #newbookrelease #newreleasebooks #ThrillerSeries

RED ULTIMATUM Is Here—A Global Thriller You Can’t Miss!
A World on the Brink. A CIA Freelancer in the Crossfire. Red Ultimatum Is Here!

A former U.S. President’ s plane is brought down in the Atlantic. Revolutionary forces attack Cairo. The U.S. Secretary of State is kidnapped in Panama. A North Korean ballistic missile submarine tracks toward America’ s West Coast. A sleeper cell spy awakens in the halls of Congress. A woman assassin takes aim on the Washington Mall. Behind it all is Russian President Nicolai Gorshkov who has mastered the ability to walk between the raindrops and not get wet. Until… China determines that Gorshkov’s policies are endangering its global initiatives… until Beijing issues Gorshkov a defiant ultimatum… until Dan Reilly, hotel executive/CIA freelancer, and friend of the Secretary of State, reads the moves on the international political chessboard and picks up the pieces. The non-stop action plays out on Air, Land, and Sea. Yet, with so many geo-political threads being tugged simultaneously, will the Russian leader succeed in getting another step closer to rebuilding the old Soviet Empire in his image?

Praise for Red Ultimatum: 
“Fasten your safety belt, RED ULTIMATUM will take you on a thrill ride through geo-politic perils that need attention today. Written with insider experience and the vision we hope is within the highest levels of our security apparatus, this latest nail-biter from Fuller and Grossman will have you thinking. No, make that worrying whether we're out-thinking our enemies enough. Tops on my list!”
—Roger Dow, Former President & CEO U.S. Travel Association

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As Red Ultimatum arrives on shelves, the reviews are rolling in and they’re outstanding! Gary Grossman Author ’s reaction: Extraordinary! Incredible. Wonderful! Beyond expectations! 

"CIA Spies, Political Leaders and Hotel Chains Are Pawns on Geopolitical Chessboard in Epic Thriller
Contributor: Peggy Kurkowski February 25, 2025" Read more on BookTrib.com

Huge thanks to @booktrib  for this fantastic review!

 #booklaunch #newbookrelease #thrillerbooks #politicalthriller #kindlebooks #thrillerreads #MarriottInternational #thrillerseries #thrillerbooksaddict #bostonuniversity #audiobooks #bookrelease
Red Ultimatum available on Amazon NOW. #booklaunch #thrillerbooksaddict
Red Ultimatum is coming. Edge of your seat thrills are almost here.  #newbookrelease #thrillerbooks
The Red Ultimatum Trailer is Here! 
Red Ultimatum, the 4th instalment of the Red Hotel Series hits shelves in just a few days! Gary Grossman Author has just wrapped production on the official trailer for this edge-of-your-seat thriller.
Get ready for action, intrigue, and global suspense. Sit back and enjoy this exclusive first look at Red Ultimatum!

 #SneakPeek #newbookrelease #audiobooks #thrillerbooks #MarriottInternational #booklaunch #thrillerbooksaddict #thrillerseries #newreleasebooks #bookrelease #harvarduniversity #kindlebooks #bostonuniversity #uci
Thrills and chills await with Red Ultimatum.....next week! #thrillerbooks #booklaunch #newbookrelease
Red Ultimatum.....thrills & chills coming your way. #newbookrelease #thrillerbooks #politicalthriller
Red Ultimatum is coming. Thriller Alert! #thrillerbooks #politicalthriller
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